August 28/29 – Robert Davis, Rent-A-Center and W. Stephen Love, Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council

Our Guests for the August 28th/29th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show:

Robert Davis, CEO, Rent-A-Center

W. Stephen Love, CEO, Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council

Join us every Friday afternoon at 3:00 and Saturday at 2:00 on 770 KAAM (

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Robert Davis, CEO, Rent-A-Center

RobertDavis_2014_approved_LinkedIn_200x200In 1993, armed with a freshly earned Bachelor’s in accounting from SMU, Garland native Robert Davis accepted an entry-level position in the payroll department of a small company called Renters Choice.

In those first few years, a series of acquisitions put the company on the map, and Renters Choice eventually purchased industry leader Rent-A-Center, adopting its better-known name.

Robert became chief executive officer in 2014, more than two decades after he answered a newspaper ad at a company with $53 million in annual revenue. Rent-A-Center’s annual revenues are now in excess of $3 billion.


W. Stephen Love, CEO, Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council

SteveLoveW. Stephen Love is the President and CEO of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council (DFWHC), a North Texas trade association promoting collaboration, cooperation and advocacy on behalf of its 88 member hospitals.

For more than 45 years, the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council has partnered with North Texas hospitals to promote patient safety, quality healthcare and coordination in the delivery of healthcare within North Texas.

W. Stephen Love has worked in healthcare management for more than 40 years and was formerly Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of a Fortune 500 healthcare company that owned more than 50 hospitals and managed approximately 200 facilities in the U.S.

Phone: (972) 719-4900

LOGOgreen2015-08-25 10.51.35Host, Steve A Klein, W. Stephen Love, Robert Davis