
Kelli McGonagill-Finglass – Director, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

I wanted to thank you for the amazing interview.  I have enjoyed and endured many interviews in my 24-year career and you, by far, were the most prepared, professional and personable interviewer I’ve ever shared a mic with.

Johann van Beest – Executive Director, Southwest Age Intervention Institute

In the past, as part of Southwest Age Intervention’s overall marketing strategy, radio had been used but unfortunately it had not been a very effective medium.

I participated in the talk show and  was happily surprised on Monday morning, the day following the show, to receive a total of 6 calls from people who had listened to the show. 3 of these were to join our program. I want to thank you for this opportunity. It was on the one hand exciting to do, while on the other enormously successful.

Jeff Crilley – CEO, Real News Public Relations

I loved your interview with Eric Affeldt this afternoon!  It was like listening to a nice conversation over coffee between two friends.  You’re a true pro!

 Milli Brown – CEO, Brown Books Publishing Group

You are a great radio host.  I admire that talent so much.  Thanks for the invitation. I enjoyed it.

Suzanne Rickets – Principal, E Heating & Air Conditioning

I am still marveling at your interview skills and spreading the word on that as well.

Janette Monear – CEO, Texas Trees Foundation

What a great program!  I want to thank you for asking great questions.  It seems to me that the reason that you get great guests and interviews is because you are so good at keeping the conversation going, always a step ahead of anyone in the room and your energy makes everyone feel at ease.

Jill Cumnock – CEO, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas

Thanks so much Steve.  You made being interviewed on the radio so comfortable.  You are great at what you do and I appreciate this opportunity very much.

Caroline Reaves – CEO, Mortgage Contracting Services

Thanks you for the opportunity.  I have said many times since the interview that you were awesome.  It felt like I was having a conversation with a friend.  I really appreciate you and will keep in touch.

Anthony Natale – President, Grenadier Homes

Steve, I really want to thank you for a wonderful experience for John and I. We really weren’t familiar with your program, but now that we’ve become a part of it, we understand what a great show you have and we will be big fans moving forward.

Jo Heinz – CEO, Staffelbach

WOW, how did you do that? Your voice is awesome, but you made me sound good as well. Thank you for the great interview and the great radio show. I appreciate your research and your questions.

Douglas Ritter – President, USFI

Steve, I have met many people in your industry and you, my dear sir, are a pro.  A pleasure doing your show today!

Hector Ruiz – CEO, Ruiz Protective Service

I want to thank you for the wonderful opportunity to be on your show. I thoroughly, enjoyed the experience; though, public speaking of any sort, is not what I normally look forward to. However, your interview style made me very comfortable and easy to participate.

Chris Hill, CEO, Pinnacle Graphics

You made it easy and very smooth. The broadcast sounded great, I am extremely happy with the results you brought out.  Really enjoyed it.

TD Smyers, CEO, American Red Cross, North Texas Region

Thanks, man; you were an awesome interviewer! Really, I thought you made the entire experience easy and enjoyable.

Cory Countryman, CEO, Walnut Hill Medical Center

I want to thank you for the interview opportunity today. I’ve participated in several radio productions in the past, and this was by far the most comfortable and enjoyable one I have been in.

Tara Green, President, Klyde Warren Park

You made the interview so easy. It was like talking to an old friend. You are very good at what you do.

Bruce Bradford, CEO, North Dallas Chamber of Commerce

I really enjoy listening to your programs, Steve! Great guests!

Mike Losawyer, CEO Texas811

It was a pleasure getting to meet and work with you yesterday. Interviews are not in my comfort zone but you made me feel very comfortable. I appreciated that very much.

Betty Manetta, CEO, Argent Associates & Asociar

Thank you so much. We are only as good as the person who is interviewing us. You bring the best out of people and have the knack of steering us to nuggets of useful information for your audience. Kudos to you!

Hubert Zajicek, CEO, Health Wildcatters

Thank YOU! It was a pleasure meeting you, and to get to be on your show. I absolutely love it when I get to do something like this with a pro like you! You made it all look so easy, and I know it isn’t!  The whole experience was wonderful.

Dan O’Neal, CEO, MosquitoNix

I think you have a great concept and do a great job with the show. I appreciate the opportunity to tell our story!

Ray Hatch, CEO, Quest Resource Management Group

I had a great time doing your show and I appreciate your interviewing skills. You made it very easy.

Jamie Ross Killough, CEO, GMR

Thanks again for the wonderful learning and growth experience. I appreciate your leadership through the process.

Patti Niles, CEO, Southwest Transplant Alliance

Thank YOU for making the interview both easy and fun. Your talent exudes “on mic.”

Vince Sullivan, President, Southern Dock Products & Duraserv

Your coaching and prep were impressive, you were so positive and made me feel at ease. Thanks for your kindness to me and acknowledging our business. Great testament to our employees!  Take care and proud to be part of your show.

Ana Castillo-Guerrero – Owner, The Latin Pig

It was fun taping with you. It was a remarkable experience.

Brooke Lively – Cathedral Capital, President

I thought you would like to know that we had someone reach out to us after hearing Brooke’s interview with you! We are so excited, she reached out to us all the way from Orlando, Florida! Thank you again for having Brooke on the show.

Chris Rawley – Harvest Returns, CEO

It was a good experience and you are by far the most professional and thorough interviewer I’ve had to date.

Jon Bolen, CEO, ENTOUCH Controls

I really enjoyed our discussion. Thanks for sharing my voice and the voices of hundreds of other leaders. You’re great work for the North Texas business community.

Shane Long, COO & President, 7T

Thank you again as I really enjoyed doing the show.  You have a great style and it truly seemed like a conversation as I felt completely as ease.

Will Pender, Gulf States President, Adolfson & Peterson Construction

This was a great interview and Steve asked the questions that mattered.

Jennifer Scripps, CEO Downtown Dallas,Inc.

Thank YOU so much for coming to interview me for PlayMakers – I was honored to be asked and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. We’ll make sure we share your links as soon as they are “live” on Friday. Thanks again for your enthusiasm for Downtown Dallas and willingness to let me share our story.