May 29 – Key Coker, BBVA Compass and Matt Childs & Rick Traylor, ACPA

Our Guests for the May 29th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show:

Key Coker, Dallas CEO – BBVA Compass Bank

Matt Childs, President & Rick Traylor Immediate Past Chairman, American Concrete Pipe Association

Join us every Friday afternoon at 3:00 on 770 KAAM (

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Key Coker, Dallas CEO – BBVA Compass Bank

cokerk-24 4x5Key Coker was promoted to Dallas CEO of BBVA Compass earlier this year. He formerly served as Dallas City President and has worked with BBVA for more than 12 years and has a total of 35 years of banking experience.

BBVA, headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, is the fourth largest bank in Texas. BBVA Compass is a leading U.S. banking franchise with operations throughout the Sunbelt region and it ranks as the 15th largest U.S. commercial bank based on deposit market share.

Key is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.

Phone: (800) COMPASS (800-266-7277)


Matt Childs, President & Rick Traylor Immediate Past Chairman, American Concrete Pipe Association

Matt Childs  8-2005RTraylor









The American Concrete Pipe Association is the spokesperson for the concrete pipe industry. ACPA members contribute to the improvement of our environment by producing quality concrete pipe, engineered to provide a lasting and economical solution to drainage and pollution problems.

Matt Childs has served as the President for the American Concrete Pipe Association for nine years where he works with national standards writing, marketing, training, engineering, lobbying, quality control and the design of concrete pipe. He’s a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas whose family has worked in the concrete pipe industry for over 80 years.

Rick Traylor is Immediate Past Chairman of the American Concrete Pipe Association and Rinker Materials Vice President for Technical Services. He has a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M and has been with Rinker Materials for 25 years.

Phone: (972) 506-7216

ACPA2015-05-26 10.55.02Matt Childs, Rick Traylor, Key Coker

Host, Steve A Klein