October 3 – Hector Ruiz, Ruiz Protective Service and Myron Watkins, Greyhound

On the October 3rd edition of PlayMakers Talk Show, our guests were:

Hector Ruiz – CEO, Ruiz Protective Service

Myron Watkins – Vice-President Customer Experience, Greyhound

Join us every Friday afternoon at 3:00 on 770 KAAM (KAAMRadio.com)


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Hector Ruiz, CEO, Ruiz Protective Service

RuizPhotoHector Ruiz is CEO of Ruiz Protective Service, which provide services ranging from armed and unarmed security guards to drug testing and polygraph services.  RPS is also heavily involved in a project to implement technology solutions to manage the sex offender and law enforcement polygraph programs.

Hector was born and raised in Mexico and immigrated to the United States when he was a teenager.  He graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso and attended the Dallas Police Academy, became a Dallas Police Officer and later an FBI Agent.


Phone: (214) 357-0820


Myron Watkins, Vice-President Customer Experience, Greyhound

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMyron Watkins is Vice-President of Customer Experience for Greyhound Lines, Inc. He’s responsible for developing and implementing the company’s customer experience strategy in the United States as well as ensuring that employees provide excellent customer service to passengers at terminals and on buses. He provides leadership to more than 3,000 associates who interact with approximately 18 million customers each year.

Coming to Greyhound in 1988 through the company’s management training program, Myron has worked in multiple aspects of operations from terminal manager in Denver and Dallas, to director of customer service at the company’s corporate headquarters. He also served as district manager in Atlanta and New York, as well as general manager for the eastern region of the United States.


Greyhound Logo

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 Host Steve A Klein, Hector Ruiz, Myron Watkins